:: EUROPE - Malta

Capital: Valletta

Total Population (million): 0.409198
Annual growth rate: 0.393133%
Density: 1265.591inhab./km²
Urban population: 95.54%
Ethnic Origins:
Official Language: Maltese
Other languages spoken: English is the second official language. A majority of the Maltese people know a third language which could be Italian, German or French.
Business language: English
Religion: Majority of the population is catholic. Other religions constitute less than 5% of country's population.
Country overview

Area: 320 km²
Type of State: Republic based on parliamentary democracy.
Type of economy: High-income economy
An economy very concentrated on the production of electronic components and medicines; also on financial services and tourism.

Telephone code:
To call from Malta, dial 00
To call in Malta, dial 356
Internet suffix: .mt
Computers: 16.6
Telephone lines:
Internet users:
Access to electricity: n.c.



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